Friday, July 26, 2013

Using Puppet Theatre To Promote Fluency in Spoken English

A group of middle and senior school students adapted a School Journal play to produce this puppet theatre. There was a great deal of relaxed conversation taking place throughout the process as the students decided on who would play which character and what these characters would look like.
The play is an adaption of 'Eggs, Eggs, Eggs.' and is called 'Eggs for Breakfast!'  The students created the puppets using coloured cardboard and chopsticks. They rehearsed their scripts until they felt confident to be recorded. 

The use of computer technology as a recording and assessment tool: 
Video footage of the puppets' actions was edited using iMovie. Voices were recorded using Garage Band and saved as an iTunes file. This file was then inserted into iMovie. We hope you enjoy the end result. 

 Here are some photographs taken prior to filming.