a) The bag of soil is heavy, but I am strong.
b) Potting mix is a funny name.
c) The dirt is squishy.
d) Potting mix is not like that dirt. (pointed to the garden)
e) I see tree in the potting mix.
f) The plants will be squishy in the pot.
g) There are lots of tiny strawberries.
h) The flowers are pretty. They are like daisies.
g) Plants need sun and water to grow.
h) I like icecream and strawberries.
i) We will all eat the strawberries.
Teacher: You will all have strawberries when they ripe.
When they are red they will be ready to eat.
The students followed a set of instructions and helped each other to plant and water the strawberry plants. Here is a short slideshow that they wanted to share with you.