Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our Mini Inquiry

The senior ESOL group have been carrying out a mini investigation into one aspect of life pertaining to their family's country of origin. They have been assembling their information into a report format using 'Pages' an Apple application. There have been many questions asked and explanations shared. The group look forward to completing the work and posting it on the ESOL Blog to share with you.

Here are some photos taken during the Inquiry process.


Our ESOL Parents

You are invited to attend a morning tea to be held in the Café behind the library on:

Wednesday 28th March, 2012
From 10am – 10:45am

A great opportunity to make contact with other ESOL parents and become familiar with professionals within the school that you can approach should you need to.

Pre-schoolers are welcome.

Thank you to the PTA for their support.